Hermetic Door Systems
09/09/2024Lead Hermetic Door Systems
09/09/2024HPL Laminate Hermetic Door Systems
HPL Laminate Hermetic Doors are Hermetic Doors with MDF-Lam, and Compact Laminate (compact laminate) Surface Coating.

HPL Laminat Hermetik Kapı Sistemleri
Laminate Hermetic Door
Equipped with approach sensor or elbow buons which don’t require hands so that hygiene may
be maintained in sterile environments, hermetic doors can open with embedded radar sensors
hidden in the mechanism once appropriate distance is ensured.
Similarly, the safety photoelectric sensor hidden in the mechanism cover functions as a curtain in
integration with the embedded radar sensor and provides security in the entire movement area of
the hermetic door wing.
Stainless hinged doors were
developed to meet today’s needs in
full measure. In this sense,
single- and double-wing doors can
be produced up to 1200 mm and
2000 mm widths, respectively.
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Stainless hinged doors can
automatically operate aer an
automatic door mechanism is
mounted up to 250g.
In areas where operational activities
are performed, doors must also bear
hygienic qualities in order to ensure
These doors ensure the
maintenance of both hygiene and
various ambient parameters (such
as air pressure and temperature) at
the operation and reanimation
rooms of hospitals.
Similarly, stainless doors are also needed for air conditioning and hygiene in areas where sensitive
production is carried out such as pharmaceutical production facilities and food plants.
They may further be preferred for preventing hazardous X-rays from special radiation rooms.
Lead plates ranging from 1 mm to 10 mm can be placed within the wing
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HPL Laminat Hermetik Kapı Sistemleri

HPL Laminat Hermetik Kapı Sistemleri